About RES360
360 appraisal is a core component in the effective development of personal, team and service practice within the NHS. 360 appraisal involves the evaluation of personal style and competence through a survey of colleagues working in a '360' capacity to the person being appraised. Colleagues will include consultants, multi-disciplinary team members, other doctors, clinical and service managers and other relevant people such as GPs.
The Res360 appraisal system has been developed as a convenient and simple system for the 360 appraisal of your different working roles. The questions have been designed based on a broad range of consultations and feedback from people working in these roles and those who have appraised. Roles available in this version include Doctor as Clinician (For GMC Revalidation), SAS Tutor, Consultant, Appraiser, Educational Supervisor and Medical Manager, Staff Grade and General Practitioner. We welcome suggestions for additional roles that might be relevant for future versions. The system is based on e-mail and internet browser, is completely web-based and does not require any downloads or installations on your computer. Res360 has been designed to be used with only minimal technical skill or knowledge. Below is an overview of the key steps of the RES360 system. You will be reminded of what to do next at each step of the process. Once you have checked your personal details, please follow the self-explanatory step-by-step approach:STEP 1: SELECT MY CONTACTS Enter a list of people's names and e-mail addresses from whom you would like responses and feedback in each role. Ideally you should have between 8-15 people for each role. They can be the same or different people. Their responses will be anonymous and aggregated and any comments made non-attributable.
You should pick a range of people from whom you would expect to get a good sample of fair and valid opinions. Remember this is part of a development process aimed at identifying opportunities to improve personal performance. You will also be sent a self- appraisal for each role including patient feedback. The aim is to improve your awareness of your relative behaviour and its impact on patients and service users; the feedback will be used to compare how you see yourself against how your patients/colleagues see you.Please note that you should check in the first instance with your revalidation/appraisal officer from your Trust as some Trusts set their own minimum number of responses for colleague and patient feedback.
STEP 2: SET UP 360 Select the role for which you would like to be evaluated. (You can also view the questions the system will ask). Then select which of your contacts you would like to be included for this particular role. (NOTE: If you are repeating a 360 you will need to archive the previous 360 to release & view all your contacts for the new 360)
This email will only be sent once, but if you find some bounce backs you can edit their details or if you decide to add more contacts for the role click on 'Set up 360', click on 'request colleague 360', click on the role, select the amended/extra contacts that you wish to appraise you and click send request. If you or your Trust has set up the patient service user feedback facility you can request a pack of response cards & freepost envelopes. If your Trust does not hold a licence with us, this facility is still open to you; the pack can be ordered and paid for direct from your account. Colleague appraisals remain free, no matter how many times they are requested.STEP 3: EVALUATE THE RESULTS For all the different roles the results can be viewed in both numerical and graphical form. Responses may take up to 3 weeks for the majority of appraisers to respond. You should not expect a 100% response rate. If you find that not enough contacts have responded click the 'Send Reminders' button which is located by clicking on '360 reports'. Find the blue link under the list of appraisals that have had replies and this will resend the original email to ALL the colleagues who have not yet responded to your last request in this role. We would advise not pressing this button more than once.
Now go to 'My Details' to check your personal information is correct.